Have You a Minute?
Wait a minute! Hold up! Have you got a minute?
So much can happen in such a short space of time. You can fall in love or fall off a chair. You can win the Lottery or maybe lose a fortune. You can make a friend or lose a loved one. That makes you think, doesn’t it? So much can hinge on those brief 60 seconds.

The message shared here could change the rest of someone’s life ~ your life?
God Loves YOU!
But He hates sin. You may think you are a good person but you won’t, …….you can’t live a perfect life. Sin has separated mankind from God. Sinfulness has come between us and God, and the payment for that sin is ultimately death and eternity in Hell.
BUT I have good news for you! There is One person who has lived a perfect sinless life and become the perfect substitute for you.
Because God loves you so much, He gave His only Son as your substitute. And so through the death of His only Son, Jesus Christ we can have life!
The gift is free, You don’t deserve it, you can’t earn it, all you CAN do is accept it. Believe that Jesus Christ died in your place, and that He rose again from the dead to give you eternal life. Then your sins will be not only forgiven but forgotten by God too! You will be reconciled with God, and when your earthly life comes to an end, and you will live with Him in Heaven forever.
Confess that you are a
What will you do for the next minute?
It will have taken you about a minute to read that message (yes, I have timed it!) How you spend the next minute is up to you. Would you like to accept that gift right here and now? It will probably only take you a minute to change your life, and where you will spend eternity. You can. Simply pray. If you don’t know what to say you can use the following prayer…….
Heavenly Father, I am a sinner. However good (or bad) I think I am, I need a Saviour and there is only One who can save me, Your Son, Jesus Christ. Please God forgive all my sins, wash me clean. Please, Lord Jesus, come into my life and live in my heart, that I may live a changed life. The life You have planned for me, and to live the way You intended me to live. Amen
If you would like to read the verses from the Bible that were used for this post you can read it in The Bible Tells Us So